This permits anyone to copy, distribute, transmit and adapt the work provided the original work and source is appropriately cited. Published manuscripts become the sole property of the Journal and will be copyrighted by Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., unless alternate arrangements are made prior to publication, including CC-BY licensing (see below). Visit our Author Services portal now for more information and to get started! Note: If an author fails to submit his/her work as per the above instructions, they are requested to maintain clear titles namely headings, subheading. The rate of youngsters aged 6-11 years in the United States who were obese expanded from 7% … • No figures or tables
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As part of regular well-child care, the doctor calculates your child's BMI and determines where it falls on the BMI-for-age growth chart. In the past 3 decades, the prevalence of childhood obesity has more than doubled in children and tripled in adolescents. -Commentaries are opinion articles written mostly by the veteran and experienced writers on a specific development, recent innovation or research findings that fall in line with the theme of the journal. Back to top. Following the references, provide the name and complete affiliation and institutional email address of the person to whom correspondence should be sent. Note: If the submission is in PDF format, the author is requested to retain the same in .doc format in order to aid in completion of process successfully. Anyone whom the author does not want to be considered should also be named as a non-preferred reviewer. 1 IOTF (International Obesity Task Force) defines … and making them freely available worldwide. It is more a response or the opinion of the reader on a particular article published and should reach the editor within 6 months of article publication. Bioinformatics 1998; 14: 121-130. (2020) Guidelines for caregivers and healthcare professionals on speaking to children about overweight and obesity: a systematic review of the gray literature. -Do not add separate figure legends to clinical images; the entire clinical image text is the figure legend. If the investigation is not resolved by the time the next print issue of the journal is to be published, the Expression of Concern will be published as official content in the print issue. Authors funded by these organizations should follow the self-archiving terms and conditions of these separate agreements based on the policies of the specific funding institutions. The investigation will be taken to completion even if the paper is withdrawn by the authors or Editor(s). *2019 Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate, 2020), Declaration of Helsinki as revised in 2013, JOURNAL STANDARDS AND BEST PRACTICES STATEMENT, AUTHORSHIP DEFINITION AND RESPONSIBILITIES, IRB APPROVALS, PATIENT CONSENT, & ETHICAL TREATMENT OF ANIMALS, AUTHOR CONFIRMATION AND DISCLOSURE STATEMENTS, FUNDING INFORMATION: COMPLIANCE AND STATEMENTS, Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals, AUTHORSHIP QUALIFICATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES,, STUDY DESIGN AND ETHICS REQUIREMENTS AND APPROVALS,, REQUIRED CONTENT IN MANUSCRIPT SUBMISSIONS, COPYRIGHT, LICENSING, REUSE, AND PERMISSIONS,, POST-ACCEPTANCE AND POST-PUBLICATION POLICIES, RESPONDING TO ALLEGATION OF SCIENTIFIC MISCONDUCT,, Director of Production and Editorial Operations, An Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval (or waiver) statement in the Methods section, Acknowledgments section (if applicable) after the Conclusion of the manuscript, followed by, An Author Contribution statement for each listed author, followed by. Our open access publishing solutions allow you to comply with the open access policies of your institution, government, and funding body. Plagiarized manuscripts will be rejected immediately. The Editor-in-Chief and Associate Editors will recuse themselves from participating in the review process of any manuscript in which there is a potential or actual competing interest. Does your research funder have an open access mandate or would you like to expand the dissemination of your research? Journal of Childhood Obesity follows a progressive editorial policy that encourages researchers to submit the original research, reviews and editorial observations as articles, well supported by tables and graphic representation. Each listed author on a submission must either have an account, or have one created, in the submission system. On the first page, type the running head (short title for top of each page), title (which cannot include any acronyms), names of the authors and their academic degrees, grants or other financial supporters of the study, address for correspondence and reprint requests, and corresponding author's telephone and fax numbers and e-mail address. Childhood Obesity Prevention. Overweight and obesity in children and adolescents in schools - The role of the school nurse (Position Statement). Obesity is the most prevalent nutritional disorder among children and adolescents in the United States. Title. **NOTE: Due to configuration restraints, the submission system permits only one author to be identified as the corresponding author of record. • The author's company/institutional repository or archive. Hence, the Journal operates solely through processing charges we receive from the authors and some academic/corporate sponsors. If you wish to use a proprietary drug name the first time it appears, use the generic name followed by the proprietary name, manufacturer, and location in parentheses. Among children aged 6-11 years, rates of obesity climbed from 7% in 1980 to 18% in 2010.
Obesity is a major threat to children's health today.The prevalence of obesity has been steadily increasing; over the past 25 years, the number of obese children has nearly tripled [1-3].By body mass index (BMI) criteria (≥ 95th percentile for age and sex), approximately 15% of children 6-19 years old are obese [].Longitudinal studies now show that 60% of children … 3. ... (author) Change in obesity. • Maximum total of eight (8) figures and/or tables
Authors are required to make payment only after their manuscript has been accepted for publication. Childhood Obesity strongly advocates the sharing and archiving of the data and any other artifacts that define and support the results stated in a manuscript in a suitable public repository (in accordance with valid privacy, legal, and ethical guidelines). Provide a title for each table. To identify gaps in the literature informing family‐focused interventions, we conducted a quantitative content analysis of research on parenting and childhood obesity (June 2009 ‐ June 2014). Papers from sanctioned countries that are submitted to any Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., journal MUST contain a confirmation statement after the conclusion section of the manuscript which indicates that EACH listed author confirms that their research is supported by an institution that is primarily involved in education or research. Authors can freely download the PDF file. You can also review our Open Access policies and Licenses. If the accusation is with regards to a published paper, the Journal/Publisher reserves the right to publish an official “Expression of Concern” statement while the investigation is still underway. The submitting author is required to complete the submission using an ORCID identifier. News sources must be informed upon delivery of the PDF that the manuscript is for reference-only purposes and can be used only in preparation of their news coverage of the article. When allegations arise, the peer review and publication process of the manuscript in question will cease while the process described herein is researched. All submissions are subject to peer review. Enter the full names and institutional affiliations of ALL listed authors, Enter ALL listed authors' institutional email addresses. It is strictly prohibited to publicly share, post, or otherwise distribute the PDF in any media format. Two to three times more people are overweight. Reviews generally start with the statement of the problem with a brief abstract of 300 words and few key words. Their duties might include reading manuscripts, making sure that a writer's formatting fits for guidelines, correcting grammatical or factual errors and making suggestions for improvement. If you have questions, please contact us for more information. -Please make sure that the article submitted for review/publication is not under consideration elsewhere simultaneously. Papers will be published approximately 15 days after acceptance. Journal of … 2nd ed. The proportion of children in the highest percentiles of body mass index (BMI) has seen the most rapid increase. Editors ensure the written quality of print and online publications. Being an Open Access Journal, Journal of Childhood Obesity does not collect subscription charges from readers that enjoy free online access to the articles. 1. It is mandatory for the corresponding author to register with the JOCD electronic manuscript tracking system before submitting an article. For details, please visit the information for authors on the journal website. Journal of Obesity and Overweight (JOO) is a peer reviewed open access journal. All authors, including the co-authors, should be responsible for a significant part of the manuscript. It is the same version published in the “Online Now” section of the journal website. If necessary, only three references can be allowed. Our translators and editors offer subject-specific expertise and editing skills to ensure that your manuscript conveys every nuance of your research to a global audience. • The authors’ integrity remains intact; the work should never be altered in such a way that the author's reputation or integrity may be damaged. Physical activity plays an important role in the prevention of becoming overweight and obese in childhood and adolescence, and reducing the risk of obesity … Also known as the “raw” accepted version of a manuscript. Childhood obesity has become a growing problem among US children. All submissions must be in English. Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., deposits and archives all publications in Portico for long-term digital preservation. In 2016 an estimated 41 million children under 5 were affected by overweight or obesity. The submitting author of a paper that was previously deposited to a preprint server should include a disclosure on the title page of the manuscript indicating the name and website of the server and include the DOI number of the preprint. Original Articles
is a leading journal presenting high-quality papers that contain the latest research on obesity during childhood and adolescence.. Ultimate reviewer selection is at the Editor’s discretion. If the search terms entered do not match the manuscript, the manuscript will serve as the default. Baggot, JD. 2 Identifier/DOI. Hofmann T. The Cluster-Abstraction Model: Unsupervised learning of topic hierarchies from text data. Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., allows for papers that were previously deposited on preprint servers to be submitted to our journals, with the proviso that the author updates any preprint versions with a link to the final published article. Obesity Research & Clinical Practice publishes articles and letters on basic, clinical and public health aspects of obesity and related disorders.. In questions of research misconduct centering on methods or technical issues, the Editor-In-Chief may confidentially consult experts who are blinded to the identity of the individuals, or if the allegation is against an editor, an outside expert. Childhood obesity is a serious health issue affecting children and adolescents who are well above the average weight range for their age, gender, and height. • 1,000-word limit
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Abstracts of original articles should be structured and contain four paragraphs labeled as: Background, Methods, Results, and Conclusions. Please note that employing the use of such services is not mandatory and using it, or any other language editing service, does not guarantee the acceptance of any paper. In treating childhood obesity, medications should only be used as part of a comprehensive weight management program; they have only been studied in conjunction with supervised diet and … Finally, a footnote to a reprinted table or the legend of a reprinted figure should read, "Reprinted by permission from Jones et al." Cite tables in sequence in the text. -Confirm that each individual named as an author meets the uniform requirements of the Journal of Childhood Obesity criteria for authorship. The journal operates single blind peer review whereby the names of the reviewers are hidden from the author. • The author's personal website
Topics include: Genetic, molecular, biochemical and physiological aspects of obesity—basic, applied and clinical studies; Metabolic consequences of child and adolescent obesity Image files also must be cropped as close to the actual image as possible. It has been estimated that in 2014 worldwide approximately 41 million children under the age of 5 years were either overweight or obese, and obesity in children … Individual users may view, print, download, and copy self-archived articles, as well as text and data mine the content conditions for non-commercial and non-promotional research and private study purposes, under the following requirements: • The authors' moral rights are not compromised and there is clear "attribution" of the author(s) in the shared work. A request to alter authorship must be made in writing from the corresponding author to the Editor-in-Chief, with a detailed explanation for the request, and the names and affiliations of the authors requiring addition and/or deletion. Authors are responsible for any fees that may be incurred by securing permission to reproduce or adapt material from other published sources. Principles of drug disposition in domestic animals: The basis of Veterinary Clinical Pharmacology. If you have created images with separate components on different layers, please send us the Photoshop files. Although Review articles require an abstract, it does not need to be structured. The basic article processing fee or manuscript handling cost is as per the price mentioned above on the other hand it may vary based on the extensive editing, colored effects, complex equations, extra elongation of no. • Reference citations are identical in style to those of full original articles, but should not exceed five (5). Lampe, E. W., et al. Authorship, as defined by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, is based on the following criteria: Contributors who meet fewer than all four of the above criteria for authorship should not be listed as authors, but they should be acknowledged in the Acknowledgments section with a description of their contribution to the work. When reporting research involving human data, authors should indicate whether the procedures followed have been assessed by the responsible review committee (institutional and national), or if no formal ethics committee is available, were in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki as revised in 2013. Post-publication changes or alterations to conference abstracts are prohibited. Review Articles
if there are additional authors. Authors not permitted to release copyright must still return the form acknowledging the statement of the reason for not releasing the copyright. (2020) Guidelines for caregivers and healthcare professionals on speaking to children about overweight and obesity: a systematic review of the gray literature. 2 Currently, an estimated 16.9% of them between 2 and 19 years old are obese or above the 95th percentile according to the body mass index (BMI)-for-age growth charts; 11.9% of US children … Childhood encourages authors to include a declaration of any conflicting interests and recommends you review the good practice guidelines on the SAGE Journal Author Gateway. Use Arabic numerals to number tables. Silver Spring, MD: Author. iMedPub LTD Last revised : February 06, 2021, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI), Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research. 1. If you do not already have an account in ScholarOne for Childhood Obesity, you will need to create one. To learn more about the services, please visit the Liebert Author Services website. Because all references will be linked electronically as much as possible to the papers they cite, proper formatting of the references is crucial. The Journal does not provide a generic patient release form. When there are more than four authors, list the first three, followed by et al. Letters to the Editor
Provide a structured abstract of no more than 250 words. However, we recognize that some submissions call for more than one corresponding author to be noted.