This plant can be weedy or invasive according to the authoritative sources noted below.This plant may be known by one or more common names in different places, and some are listed above. ciliaris (P.Beauv.) Arthraxon species are distributed across Africa, Asia, America and Australia (van Welzen 1981). It is an annual of wet areas, and can form dense stands, especially along shorelines, that can exclude native vegetation. 1) 2015 Subordinate Legislation 2015 No. Arthraxon hispidus . Two species of Arthraxon have been recorded as indigenous for Australia, viz. Data resource ... Conservation status in QLD. To conserve this species it is essential that all the remaining populations be protected. hispidus (Bostock & Holland 2017). Arthraxon gracilis (Kunth) Hochst. Leaves of Arthraxon fully encircle the stem, distiguishing the species from many other invasive grasses of Maryland. Search for ARTHRAXON+HISPIDUS returned 11 results. ex Regel) Tzvelev; Arthraxon hispidus subsp. centrasiaticus (Griseb.) Facts. Arthraxon glabrescens Andersson ex Hack. Arthraxon hispidus (Hairy-joint Grass); Dichanthium queenslandicum (King Bluegrass); Homopholis belsonii (elson’s Panic); Thesium australe (Austral Toadflax); and Macrozamia platyrhachis (a Cycad). Sort by. These results were used to develop GIS-based mapping of potential habitat for the identified species within the Site. Threatened Flora Survey Refine results Refine results. It was subsequently re-named Digitaria hispida, and as Lasiolytrum hispidum. Seed-bearing racemes of Arthraxon hispidus. Contact Marc Imlay: | Written by Marc Imlay and Kerrie Kyde. Masamura & Yanagih. Photo by K. L. Kyde. Narayanaswami ex Bor and A. hispidus (Thub.) Makino var. Tzvelev; Arthraxon hispidus subsp. Arthraxon hispidus subsp. Arthraxon hispidus f. langsdorffii (Trin.) There are many other synonyms listed by Missouri Botanical Garden (2013) and by The Plant List (2013) but few of these are thought to be in current use. Ecological information about threatened species is required to guide strategic management approaches for effective biodiversity conservation in Australia. caucasicus (Rupr. Related Searches. 2.2.3. 108 made under the Nature Conservation Act 1992 Contents ... Arthraxon hispidus Arundinella grevillensis Asplenium normale Asplenium pellucidum Asplenium unilaterale Asplenium wildii Atriplex morrisii Austromuellera valida Small carp grass originates from Japan and eastern Asia. hairy jointgrass. Arthraxon hispidus is one of the thousands of species on a growing list of threatened taxa in Australia and globally which compete for severely limited conservation budgets (Joseph et al., 2009; Master, 1991). Add new comment; Home; Dichotomous Keys; Fact Sheets; Sort order. Arthraxon hispidus was originally named by Thunberg as Phalaris hispida. Queensland Nature Conservation Legislation Amendment Regulation (No. Vulnerable (1) Download Results per page. Arthraxon hispidus is a nationally threatened species currently known from seven small populations in NSW and a similar number in southeast Queensland. A. hispidus (NSW QLD) A. ciliaris: Leaf sheaths lightly covered with tubercle-based hairs; spikelets c. 7 mm long; perennial: A. castratus (QLD) Key to Arthraxon derived from Vickery 1961. Section. Photo by K. L. Kyde. Taxonomic name: Arthraxon (Australian Grasses) Tue, 2010-06-08 05:45-- A. castratus (Griff.)