-0.89 -1.1512 TD /TT6 1 Tf (C2)Tj /TT8 1 Tf 3.3595 Tc 0 Tc 0.0063 Tw 6.9099 0 TD /TT6 1 Tf 0.0006 Tc <008900810087>Tj [(101 � O)-13(v)-6.5(e)12.6(r)-12.8(l)12.3(oad )-506.8( )-3325.1( )-3325.2( )12.4( )12.4( )-12.3( )12.4( )12.4( )12.4( )12.4( C)-6.8(2)24.9( )]TJ /TT11 1 Tf ( )Tj 0 Tw /TT6 1 Tf -22.6334 -1.1636 TD 7.8361 0 0 7.8253 105.4791 83.1213 Tm 0 Tw -0.89 -1.1636 TD /TT6 1 Tf 0 Tw 7.0583 0 TD -2.4475 -1.1264 TD 11.2611 0 TD 0.89 0 TD /TT9 1 Tf 0.7293 0 TD 2.3734 0 TD 0.0065 Tc /TT11 1 Tf 0.7293 0 TD /TT9 1 Tf ( )Tj /TT11 1 Tf 9.7078 0 0 9.6942 311.9991 353.9613 Tm [( )-2979.1( )]TJ -0.0119 Tc /TT6 1 Tf <0089>Tj /TT9 1 Tf ( )Tj /TT11 1 Tf 15.5504 0 TD 0.717 0 TD 0.89 0 TD [(321)11.8( � )12.3(I)-7(n)-0.6(t)5.4(r)-13.6(ud)11.8(er Mi)11.5(s)-7.3(s)-7.3(i)-0.8(l)11.5(e)]TJ 0 Tc 2.7702 0 TD 0.89 0 TD [(2)-13(7)-0.6(0)11.8( )-24.7(�)10.6( )-24.7(S)11.3(c)-7.3(omp )-12.4(Lin)11.8(k)-7.3( )-24.7(Ac)-7.3(c)-7.3(e)-0.6(s)-7.3(s)17.4( )-3053.2( )-12.4( )-12.4( )-12.4( )-12.4( )-24.7( )-24.7(C)4.7(2)11.8( )]TJ <008900810087>Tj 0.0004 Tc <0089>Tj 1.2732 0 TD ( )Tj 10.9768 0 TD 3.3595 Tc 3.3595 Tc 0.7293 0 TD /TT11 1 Tf 16.0078 0 TD 10.2924 0 0 10.2782 392.399 763.8813 Tm /TT11 1 Tf 0.0005 Tc /TT11 1 Tf ( )Tj 10.3711 0 TD <0089>Tj BT /TT11 1 Tf /TT12 1 Tf 8.2944 0 TD [( )-3523( )]TJ /TT6 1 Tf 0 Tc 1.2732 0 TD [( )-939.5( )]TJ ( )Tj [(98)-12.1( � As)-18.8(t)-18.5(r)-25.1(om)-19.6(ec)-18.8(h)-12.1( )12.3(T)-19.2(r)-12.7(a)-12.1(n)-12.1(s)-6.5(la)-12.1(t)-18.5(o)-12.1(r)]TJ 0 Tw /TT6 1 Tf [(R)5.6(16 � J)-6.4(abb)12.7(a)-12.1( )86.6( )-3325.2( )-3325.1( )-3325.2( )12.4( )12.4( )-12.3( )12.4( )12.4( )12.4( V)12.2(R)5.6( )]TJ 0.0065 Tw 7.8361 0 0 7.8253 340.199 321.8013 Tm 1.5452 64.5169 TD -22.6334 -1.1512 TD 0.0116 Tw 0.0183 Tw /TT9 1 Tf -0.0119 Tc 0 Tw /TT9 1 Tf 7.8361 0 0 7.8253 105.4791 83.1213 Tm 5.0805 0 TD 0.0187 Tw 0 Tw <008900810087>Tj 0.0071 Tc (R)Tj 2.7318 0 TD /TT6 1 Tf [( )160.7( )]TJ 0 Tw ( )Tj /TT11 1 Tf 11.6958 0 0 11.6798 340.199 632.8413 Tm ( )Tj 10.7048 0 TD -0.0011 Tc /TT6 1 Tf 0.0061 Tw 0 Tc [(67 � Let)-6.5(')5.5(s)-6.8( K)11.8(eep A Li)12(t)-18.8(t)-6.5(le)12.3( Opt)-6.5(i)-0.3(mi)12(s)-6.8(m)4.8( )-12.3(H)5.2(e)-0.1(re)-12.5( )-2781.3( P )]TJ 7.8361 0 0 7.8253 340.199 231.8013 Tm 0.3956 0 TD /TT9 1 Tf <0089>Tj 0.717 0 TD 0.7293 0 TD -3.387 -1.1141 TD 0.7293 0 TD /TT11 1 Tf [(2)-12.4(8)0(4)12.4( )-24.7(�)11.2( )-24.7(D)5.3(ant)-6.4(ooi)12.1(n)-12.4(e)-12.4( )-3337.6( )-3337.5( )-12.4( )-12.4( )-12.4( )-12.4( )-24.7( )-24.7(U)5.3(1)12.4( )]TJ 0.89 0 TD /TT11 1 Tf -2.7318 -1.1512 TD /TT6 1 Tf <0089>Tj 3.3595 Tc [( )-1186.7( )-3362.3( )-12.4( )-12.4( )-12.4( )-12.4( )]TJ 0 Tw /TT11 1 Tf 3.3595 Tc ( )Tj 3.3595 Tc 0.0187 Tw /TT6 1 Tf 1.162 0 TD ( )Tj 0.0002 Tc -2.7318 -1.1512 TD -0.0004 Tw 0 Tc 10.2924 0 0 10.2782 189.239 763.8813 Tm 1.5918 Tc 0.89 0 TD [(C)12.8(har)-24.1(ac)-10.3(t)12.6(e)0(r)-8.8(s)]TJ 0 Tw <0089>Tj 9.3204 0 TD -0.0121 Tc 0.7293 0 TD 0 Tw 0 Tc /TT6 1 Tf 0.717 0 TD [( Clo)-8.2(ud )-10.2(Cit)-19.2(y)19.2( )]TJ <008900810087>Tj <008900810087>Tj 0.7293 0 TD 3.9556 0 TD 0.89 0 TD /TT11 1 Tf 0.0062 Tw 0.717 0 TD <0089>Tj 0.89 0 TD 0.0185 Tw -0.001 Tc /TT11 1 Tf [( )988.9( )]TJ /TT11 1 Tf /TT9 1 Tf [({)-23.1(D)-2.5(a)15.3(r)-8.8(k)-10.3( S)18.9(i)2.9(de})]TJ 3.3595 Tc [(91 � C)-6.8(a)12.6(pt)-6.2(ain H)5.5(an Solo)]TJ 0.0185 Tw -22.6334 -1.176 TD -0.013 Tw 9.7078 0 0 9.6942 369.5991 592.7613 Tm -22.6334 -1.1636 TD 437.519 263.481 2.76 -11.16 re -42.0159 67.9706 TD 0 Tw 0 Tw 13.6592 0 TD 9.7078 0 0 9.6942 372.7191 319.5213 Tm 0.0003 Tc 0 Tw /TT12 1 Tf 0.0187 Tw 0.0002 Tc 0.0003 Tc [(13 �)11.4( D)5.5(e)0.2(f)-6.2(l)0(e)12.6(c)-6.5(t)-18.5(o)12.6(r )12.3(Sh)12.6(ield )12.3(G)-13(e)12.6(nerat)-6.2(ors)]TJ /TT9 1 Tf -22.6334 -1.176 TD 7.8361 0 0 7.8253 105.4791 83.1213 Tm (U)Tj [( )1520.4( )]TJ /TT11 1 Tf 3.9556 0 TD 0.0001 Tc 0.0006 Tc /TT6 1 Tf /TT6 1 Tf 7.3055 0 TD 0.019 Tw 10.2924 0 0 10.2782 392.399 763.8813 Tm 0.0003 Tc 7.7505 0 TD 3.6218 0 TD 0 Tc 0.0003 Tc 0.0004 Tc 0 Tc -22.6334 -1.176 TD 2.2346 Tc 0.717 0 TD 0 Tw -0.0019 Tc [(T)17.7(he E)-12.7(m)5(pe)12.5(r)-12.9(o)12.5(r)-37.6(�)36.9(s)-6.6( S)-12.7(w)-6.9(ord)]TJ 2.9236 0 0 2.9198 552.119 211.7613 Tm -0.013 Tw 0.0305 Tw [(OT)18.4(S)12.8(D)18.5(,)6.8( P)25.1( )]TJ 9.7078 0 0 9.6942 375.7191 256.4013 Tm 0 Tc 3.3595 Tc 0.012 Tw -22.6334 -1.1636 TD /TT6 1 Tf ( )Tj 7.8361 0 0 7.8253 451.199 306.4413 Tm 2.7318 0 TD [( )2707.1( )]TJ 3.3595 Tc 7.8361 0 0 7.8253 105.4791 497.8413 Tm 0.0061 Tw 0 Tw -22.6334 -1.1636 TD (C)Tj 0 Tw /TT6 1 Tf -0.0044 Tc )0.8( )-12942.2( )-3325.1( )]TJ -0.0003 Tc [(Loc)-10.6(at)12.3(ions)]TJ 0 Tc /TT6 1 Tf /TT11 1 Tf 0 Tc 0.0066 Tw /TT6 1 Tf /TT9 1 Tf /TT11 1 Tf [( )-1903.7( )]TJ /TT6 1 Tf 0 Tw /TT9 1 Tf 0.89 0 TD /TT6 1 Tf 0.0062 Tw 0.89 0 TD /TT9 1 Tf (U)Tj 0 Tw /TT6 1 Tf 0.0184 Tw -0.0121 Tc 10.3711 0 TD 0.7293 0 TD [( )2039.6( )]TJ 9.1968 0 TD /TT9 1 Tf >> 0 Tw 0.89 0 TD /TT6 1 Tf -0.0052 Tc /TT11 1 Tf /TT6 1 Tf /TT6 1 Tf -2.7318 -1.1636 TD (C)Tj 0 Tw [( )3288.1( )]TJ /TT11 1 Tf ( )Tj 0.0183 Tw 0.0742 0 TD <0089>Tj /TT6 1 Tf 6.0941 0 TD 0.0064 Tw 0.89 0 TD 0.89 0 TD 0.89 0 TD 9.2091 0 TD 2.7318 0 TD 0 Tw 0.717 0 TD 7.8361 0 0 7.8253 105.4791 364.7613 Tm 13.6592 0 TD 7.8361 0 0 7.8253 183.3591 275.0013 Tm /TT9 1 Tf 0.0061 Tw 0 Tc << 0.0059 Tw 5.9087 0 TD 0 Tc /TT6 1 Tf -22.6334 -1.176 TD /TT6 1 Tf 0.0027 Tw /TT11 1 Tf 9.9137 0 TD <0089>Tj 2.7318 0 TD -22.6334 -1.176 TD 2.7318 0 TD 0.0063 Tw 0.0067 Tw 0.006 Tw /TT9 1 Tf 0.0186 Tw [(1)-18(7)-5.6(1)6.8( )-24.7(�)5.6( )-24.7(Fi)6.5(g)-5.6(r)-18.6(i)-5.8(n)6.8( )-24.7(D')-12.4(a)6.8(n)-18( )234.8( )-3337.6( )-3337.5( )-12.4( )-12.4( )-12.4( )-12.4( )-24.7( )-24.7(U2)6.8( )]TJ <0089>Tj /TT9 1 Tf <00890081>Tj -0.001 Tc ( )Tj /TT9 1 Tf 0.006 Tw 3.3595 Tc /TT11 1 Tf /TT6 1 Tf /TT11 1 Tf -0.0052 Tc ( )Tj 0.0193 Tw [(3)12.6(6)0.2( �)11.4( E)12.1(n)0.2(t)-6.2(e)0.2(r T)5.4(he )12.3(Burea)12.6(u)0.2(c)-6.5(r)-0.4(at)-6.2( )12.3(�)]TJ 4.0669 0 TD 0.0062 Tw 0.0039 Tw 0.89 0 TD (R)Tj 11.6958 0 0 11.6798 105.4791 427.2813 Tm 9.7078 0 0 9.6942 458.759 462.4413 Tm 0 Tc ( )Tj /TT11 1 Tf [(30 )-12.3(�)11( )-12.3(T)5(he Shi)11.9(e)-0.2(ld D)-7.2(o)-0.2(o)12.2(r)-13.2(s)-6.9( Mus)-6.9(t)5.8( Be C)-7.2(l)11.9(os)-6.9(e)12.2(d)]TJ 10.2598 0 TD 1 1 1 rg 3.3595 Tc 0 Tw 0 Tw ( )Tj [( )-3411.7( )]TJ ( )Tj /TT6 1 Tf /TT11 1 Tf -0.0003 Tc 0.7293 0 TD [( )3485.9( )]TJ 0.7293 0 TD /ExtGState << /TT9 1 Tf -22.6334 -1.1636 TD 1.221 Tc /TT6 1 Tf >> /TT6 1 Tf 0.6057 0 TD 0 Tw [(1)12.9(23 )12.3(� P)12.4(u)0.5(c)-6.2(u)12.9(m)-19.3(i)12.6(r T)5.7(h)0.5(ry)18.5(s)-6.2(s)]TJ )0.8( )-12942.2( )-3325.1( )]TJ /TT11 1 Tf /TT9 1 Tf /TT9 1 Tf [(T)5.4(15 � Q)-13(u)12.6(i-Gon J)-6.5(i)0(nn)12.6( )12.4(W)-44.8(i)24.7(t)6.2(h)0.2( )-12.3(L)12.6(i)0(gh)12.6(t)-18.5(s)-6.5(a)12.6(ber)-12.8( )-432.6( )12.4( )-3053.2( P )]TJ -11.8174 -1.1512 TD -0.0001 Tw /TT6 1 Tf 0 Tc 13.2636 0 TD 0.0005 Tc 2.9236 0 0 2.9198 545.2791 585.6813 Tm <0089>Tj -0.0023 Tc [(2)12.7(67 � )-12.3(T)5.5(a)0.3(k)-6.4(e)0.3( T)-6.8(h)12.7(e I)-6.1(n)0.3(i)12.4(t)-18.4(i)12.4(a)0.3(t)-6.1(i)0.1(v)-6.4(e)]TJ 0.89 0 TD 2.7318 0 TD 13.5603 0 TD <0089>Tj /TT12 1 Tf (U)Tj 3.3595 Tc [(Not)-5.8( e)-5.2(n)-12.3(dor)-11.5(s)-5.2(e)-17.6(d)12.4( )-12.3(o)12.4(r)-23.9( s)-5.2(p)0(o)-12.3(n)0(s)-5.2(o)0(r)-23.9(e)-5.2(d b)-24.7(y)31.9( )-24.7(Luc)-5.2(a)-17.6(s)-5.2(Fi)-11.6(l)-23.9(m)6.4( Lt)-5.8(d.)-11.6( or)-11.5( )-12.3(D)12.5(e)-5.2(c)-5.2(i)-11.6(p)-12.3(h)12.4(e)-5.2(r)-11.5(,)-11.6( I)-11.6(n)0(c)-5.2(. 0.0018 Tw 0 Tc 0.89 0 TD 0.0006 Tc /TT11 1 Tf -0.0028 Tc 8.1461 0 TD 12.5467 0 TD /TT11 1 Tf /TT11 1 Tf [(8)6.4(4)6.4( �)5.2( M)11.3(a)6.4(u)6.4(l)6.2(')12(s)-0.3( S)6(i)18.5(t)-12.3(h)18.8( )-12.3(In)18.8(fi)6.2(l)18.5(t)-12.3(r)5.8(a)6.4(to)18.8(r)5.8( �)]TJ /TT6 1 Tf 0.717 0 TD 0.89 0 TD 2.692 Tc 0 Tw 0.7293 0 TD -22.584 -1.1636 TD /TT11 1 Tf <0089>Tj -0.89 -1.1636 TD -0.0061 Tw /TT6 1 Tf [(43 � T)-6.7(h)0.4(e)12.8( )-12.3(D)5.7(a)0.4(rk)-6.3( Pat)-6(h)]TJ -0.0002 Tc /TT11 1 Tf 0.0004 Tc 0.89 0 TD /TT4 1 Tf 0 Tw -0.0121 Tc /Type /ExtGState [( )-457.4( )]TJ /TT9 1 Tf (U)Tj /TT8 1 Tf -0.89 -1.1512 TD 7.8361 0 0 7.8253 340.199 359.2413 Tm /TT6 1 Tf /TT6 1 Tf [(I)-6.4(G)-0.8(-)-13(2)12.4(000)]TJ /TT6 1 Tf 0.0004 Tc 0 Tw >> [(Vehic)-26.7(l)17.1(es)]TJ [( )3436.4( )]TJ -0.0051 Tc 0.0307 Tw 5.9705 0 TD [(316 � H)-6.7(a)0.3(n)12.7(')5.9(s)-6.4( H)-6.7(e)12.7(av)-18.8(y)18.3( )-12.3(Bl)12.4(as)-6.4(t)-6.1(e)0.3(r )-12.3(P)12.2(i)0.1(s)-6.4(t)-6.1(ol)12.4( )-12.3( )12.4( )12.4( )-12.3( )12.4( )12.4( )12.4( )12.4( R)-6.7(2)25( )]TJ -0.0123 Tc /TT9 1 Tf (C)Tj 2.7318 0 TD 2.7318 0 TD /TT6 1 Tf 2.7318 0 TD /TT9 1 Tf 3.3595 Tc -0.001 Tc 0.0003 Tc <008900810087>Tj 0.0183 Tw -22.6334 -1.1636 TD <0089>Tj -0.0055 Tc 0 Tc -0.0008 Tc 0.0001 Tc /TT11 1 Tf [(15)-12.3(9)12.5( )-12.3(�)11.3( )12.4(W)-44.9(e)24.8( )-12.3(C)5.4(an S)12(t)-6.3(il)12.2(l Out)-6.3(m)-7.4(a)12.5(neuv)5.8(er)-12.9( T)-7(h)12.5(em)]TJ -0.0049 Tc 0.0061 Tw /TT6 1 Tf -0.0057 Tc 9.3698 0 TD 13.5479 0 TD <0089>Tj (R)Tj /TT12 1 Tf (C)Tj 0.0068 Tc /TT9 1 Tf 0 Tc -3.9185 -1.1017 TD [(53 � H)4.7(o)-0.6(lo)-13(N)4.7(e)-0.6(t)-7( T)-7.7(r)-1.2(ans)-7.3(mi)11.5(s)-7.3(s)-7.3(i)-0.8(o)11.8(n)]TJ -22.584 -1.176 TD <0089>Tj 10.8779 0 TD /TT6 1 Tf 7.8361 0 0 7.8253 383.9991 276.8013 Tm /TT9 1 Tf /TT6 1 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw /TT11 1 Tf 0 Tc [(2)12.8(83 � )-12.3(F)18(o)0.4(res)-6.3(t)]TJ 0 Tc [(40 �)11.3( D)5.4(ebri)12.2(s)-6.6( Z)17.7(one)]TJ [(4)11.2(5)-1.2( )-12.3(�)10( )12.4(W)-46.2(i)10.9(pe T)-8.3(h)11.2(em )-12.3(Ou)11.2(t)4.8(,)-7.6( Al)10.9(l)-13.8( O)10.3(f)-7.6( T)-8.3(h)11.2(em )-12.3(� )]TJ 0 Tc /TT6 1 Tf (U)Tj /TT6 1 Tf /TT9 1 Tf /TT6 1 Tf 0 Tw /TT6 1 Tf 0 Tw 0 Tw <008900810087>Tj /TT8 1 Tf [(EJ)-6.3(P)12.3(,)-6( P)24.7( )]TJ BT 0 Tc ( )Tj 0.89 0 TD 0.0305 Tw <0089>Tj /TT6 1 Tf 0 Tw 0 0 0 rg <0089>Tj 9.1968 0 TD [( )15.3(Ber)-24.1(u)0(.)12.6(.)-18(.)12.6(")-17.4(. ( )Tj )]TJ 0.89 0 TD /TT11 1 Tf ( )Tj 0 Tw 3.3595 Tc -3.9185 -1.0893 TD [(Pa)-24.6(g)-7(e)0.2( 22)]TJ 9.1597 0 TD /TT2 1 Tf <0089>Tj -0.0064 Tc 0.0062 Tw ( )Tj 7.8361 0 0 7.8253 340.199 520.8813 Tm 0.9518 0 TD [(R)5.6(73 � )-12.3(T)5.5(a)0.3(lo)12.7(n Kard)-12.1(e )-791.1( )-3325.2( )-3325.1( )12.4( )12.4( )12.4( )12.4( )-12.3( )12.4( SR)18( )]TJ 2.7195 -1.1512 TD 3.3595 Tc [(82 � T)-7.4(e)-0.3(mpe)12.1(s)-7(t)-19( S)11.6(c)-7(out)5.7( )-12.3(1)]TJ 0.0003 Tc 15.056 0 TD 0 Tw -22.6334 -1.1636 TD /TT6 1 Tf 0.0001 Tc 0.0066 Tw 0 Tc /TT11 1 Tf 0 Tw -22.6334 -1.176 TD -22.6334 -1.1512 TD 14.2154 0 TD -0.0113 Tw 2.9236 0 0 2.9198 286.079 370.7613 Tm [({)-8.3(8)-0.5(})-8.3( )-2970.9(Al)-12.9(l t)12.1(h)-0.5(e)-15.9( )-15.3(j)17.7(apanes)-10.8(e c)-10.8(a)-0.5(r)-9.3(d)-0.5(s)-26.1( )15.3(w)-18.3(e)14.8(r)-9.3(e)-0.5( pr)-9.3(int)12.1(ed on )15.3(an)-15.9( )]TJ -22.6087 -1.1636 TD /TT9 1 Tf 0.0062 Tw [( )754.1( )]TJ 14.9447 0 TD -0.0011 Tc )]TJ [(8)31.1(5)18.7( �)29.9( B)30.6(l)18.5(a)18.7(s)24.4(t )12.3(P)18.3(o)18.7(i)30.8(n)18.7(t)12.3(s)]TJ <0089>Tj /TT11 1 Tf 0.0006 Tc 0 Tc /TT11 1 Tf (R)Tj [( Ul)18.7(t)-12.1(i)18.7(m)11.5(a)6.6(t)-12.1(e)19( )-12.3(P)18.5(o)6.6(w)24.3(e)6.6(r)6( )-12.3(In)6.6( Th)6.6(e)19( )-12.3(U)11.9(n)6.6(i)6.4(v)12.3(e)6.6(r)6(se)6.6( )12.4( )12.4( )12.4( 3)6.6(A)18.5(, P)6.2( )]TJ [(70)12.4( �)11.2( O)11.6(r)-0.6(d)37.1( )-12.3(M)17.3(a)12.4(n)24.8(t)-6.3(e)12.4(l)24.5(l)]TJ 0 Tw /TT6 1 Tf 0.0003 Tc 0 Tc /TT6 1 Tf ( )Tj [(St)10.9(ar)-25.8(s)-12(h)-1.7(ips)]TJ [( )1471( )]TJ /TT9 1 Tf /TT6 1 Tf 0.717 0 TD 0.7293 0 TD 0.0095 Tc 0.7293 0 TD 0.0065 Tc 0 Tc 0 Tc 0 Tc 1.8418 0 TD 0 Tw /TT11 1 Tf /TT11 1 Tf /TT9 1 Tf /TT9 1 Tf /TT12 1 Tf (U)Tj 0 -1.1264 TD (C)Tj 340.199 408.561 219.72 -0.72 re 0 Tc <0089>Tj 0.89 0 TD 0.006 Tw /TT6 1 Tf 0.0004 Tc <0089>Tj -22.584 -1.1512 TD ( )Tj 0.0059 Tw /TT11 1 Tf 0.0069 Tw <0089>Tj 7.973 0 TD <0089>Tj ( )Tj -0.006 Tw 0.0063 Tw 3.3595 Tc /TT6 1 Tf 11.051 0 TD <0089>Tj -2.7318 -1.1636 TD /ExtGState << 0.0002 Tc [({)-7.8(J)-10.3(apan)-15.4(e)15.3(s)-10.3(e})]TJ 1.8295 0 TD [(I)-6.2(m)5.1(peria)12.6(l)]TJ 0.0003 Tc 0.89 0 TD 0.89 0 TD [(16 � Ma)-13.3(j)11.2(o)11.5(r)-13.9( Marqu)-13.3(a)11.5(nd)]TJ [(Limit)-9.1(e)-1.4(d)]TJ /TT8 1 Tf <008900810087>Tj 0.89 0 TD 0 Tw 7.8361 0 0 7.8253 174.7191 652.0413 Tm 2.9236 0 0 2.9198 526.439 675.0813 Tm 4.2399 0 TD 0.0123 Tw -0.012 Tc 0.0003 Tc 0.0186 Tw 1 i -2.7318 -1.1512 TD -3.3993 -1.1264 TD 0.89 0 TD (R)Tj 0.717 0 TD -22.6087 -1.1636 TD /TT6 1 Tf 0 Tc -0.0064 Tc 0 Tw 0.717 0 TD 0 Tc 1.199 0 TD 0.89 0 TD 0 Tc 0.0065 Tc 0.0004 Tc (U)Tj 0 Tw 0 Tc (C)Tj /TT6 1 Tf /TT9 1 Tf /TT9 1 Tf -3.6218 -1.1512 TD 0.0002 Tc <0089>Tj ( )Tj 0.0185 Tw -0.001 Tc /TT11 1 Tf 7.3673 0 TD 0 Tw /TT11 1 Tf 0 Tw 0 Tw 0 Tc ( )Tj 0.0185 Tw 0.0003 Tc 0 Tc 0.89 0 TD /TT6 1 Tf -22.6334 -1.1636 TD 1.2608 0 TD /TT6 1 Tf /TT6 1 Tf -22.584 -1.1636 TD 0.2596 0 TD 0 Tw -22.6334 -1.176 TD 0.717 0 TD /TT9 1 Tf 0 Tw 0 Tw (C)Tj ( )Tj 0.0061 Tw [(1)12.7(70 � )-12.3(B)12.2(r)-0.3(on Burs)]TJ /TT6 1 Tf -0.001 Tc /TT12 1 Tf <0089>Tj 2.9236 0 0 2.9198 226.4391 695.9613 Tm (U)Tj 2.7318 0 TD 0.7293 0 TD ( )Tj 0 Tc <0089>Tj 0 Tw 6.3537 0 TD 11.6958 0 0 11.6798 105.4791 635.8413 Tm -0.89 -1.1512 TD /TT9 1 Tf 9.6912 0 TD 9.7078 0 0 9.6942 373.4391 502.2813 Tm 0.0187 Tw 8.8136 0 TD 0 Tc 0.0001 Tc ( )Tj /TT11 1 Tf 0.0004 Tc 340.199 170.361 220.56 -0.6 re [(78 � Los)-6.5(i)12.3(ng T)-6.9(r)-0.4(ac)-6.5(k)5.9( )-12.3(�)]TJ ( )Tj /TT4 1 Tf 0 Tw /TT12 1 Tf <008900810087>Tj 0 Tc /TT9 1 Tf -22.6334 -1.1636 TD 2.9236 0 0 2.9198 545.2791 677.3613 Tm /TT4 1 Tf 4.9121 0 0 4.9055 543.359 469.1613 Tm 0 Tc /TT6 1 Tf <0089>Tj 0.0001 Tc [( )692.2( )]TJ <0089>Tj 0 Tc 10.4576 0 TD ( )Tj 10.7048 0 TD 9.5923 0 TD 11.6958 0 0 11.6798 556.9191 181.8813 Tm 4.7626 0 0 4.9055 266.879 688.5213 Tm 12.4478 0 TD /TT11 1 Tf -22.6334 -1.176 TD -0.001 Tc 14.0547 0 TD ( )Tj <0081>Tj /TT6 1 Tf ( )Tj [(R)5.6(96 )-12.4(� )-24.7(A)12.2(l)0.1(l)12.4( W)-44.7(i)0.1(ng)12.7(s)6( )-24.7(R)5.6(epo)12.7(r)-12.7(t)-6.1( I)-18.4(n)0.3( )-1273.2( )-3337.5( )-12.4( )-12.4( )-12.4( )-12.4( )-24.7( )-12.4(VR)18( )]TJ /TT11 1 Tf /TT4 5 0 R ( )Tj 4.9121 0 0 4.9055 105.4791 741.3213 Tm /TT6 1 Tf /TT9 1 Tf 3.3595 Tc 11.4836 0 TD 0.89 0 TD /TT6 1 Tf 0.0004 Tc 0.0062 Tw 0.5643 0 TD -0.89 -1.1512 TD -0.0051 Tc /TT11 1 Tf /TT12 1 Tf 2.7318 0 TD 12.4354 0 TD /TT9 1 Tf /TT9 1 Tf 3.3595 Tc <0089008100870035>Tj -0.0061 Tw <0089>Tj 11.3229 0 TD [( )3584.8( )]TJ 3.3595 Tc <008900810087>Tj [( )2917.3( )]TJ [( Com)-7.6(p)-0.5(le)-8.9(te Ca)-8.9(rd )-7.7(L)7.2(i)-1.8(s)-8.9(t)-8.3( )]TJ [(133)11.7( � )37(W)-45.6(a)-0.7(k)5(eelmu)11.7(i)]TJ /TT6 1 Tf 0.89 0 TD 340.199 643.401 220.32 -13.44 re /TT11 1 Tf [( )3337.6( )]TJ ( )Tj 0.89 0 TD 0.0069 Tw 0.89 0 TD [(T)3324.4(2)3331.5(2)3343.9( )3312.8(�)3342.7( )3312.8(H)3336.8(o)3331.5(u)3319.1(j)3356(i)3331.3(x)3312.4( )3362.2( )3325.1(P)3331.1( )]TJ /TT11 1 Tf [( )-494.5( )]TJ ( )Tj /TT9 1 Tf [( )1928.4( )]TJ [(1)12.8(19 )12.3(� U)5.7(n)0.4(c)-6.3(o)12.8(nt)-6(r)-12.6(o)0.4(l)12.5(l)-12.2(a)12.8(b)0.4(l)-12.2(e)12.8( F)18(u)-12(ry)]TJ /TT11 1 Tf [( )-2361( )]TJ ( )Tj /TT9 1 Tf -0.0047 Tc <0089>Tj /TT11 1 Tf /TT9 1 Tf -22.6334 -1.1636 TD /TT9 1 Tf [(R)24(4)18.7(6)18.7( )12.3(�)17.5( M)23.6(a)18.7(u)31.1(l)6.1(')36.7(s)12( S)30.6(i)18.5(t)12.3(h)18.7( )12.3(In)31.1(fi)30.8(l)18.5(t)12.3(r)18.1(a)31.1(t)12.3(o)18.7(r)18.1( )]TJ /TT6 1 Tf (R2)Tj 0.0061 Tw 0.0187 Tw 0.7293 0 TD 0 Tw 0 -1.1388 TD -22.6334 -1.176 TD 0.7293 0 TD 0.0062 Tw 0 Tc /TT11 1 Tf ( )Tj [(T)17.6(he E)-12.8(m)4.9(pe)12.4(r)-13(o)12.4(r)-37.7(�)36.8(s)-6.7( S)-12.8(h)0(i)12.1(e)-12.4(l)12.1(d)]TJ 0 Tw 3.3595 Tc /TT6 1 Tf <0089>Tj 0.0065 Tc 13.3254 0 TD <0089>Tj ( )Tj [(1)12.7(34 )12.3(� C)5.6(a)0.3(ref)-6.1(u)0.3(l)12.4( P)12.2(l)0.1(a)-12.1(n)12.7(ni)-12.3(n)12.7(g)]TJ (U)Tj 4.7626 0 0 4.9055 237.9591 688.5213 Tm [( )791.1( )]TJ 9.7078 0 0 9.6942 139.319 171.4413 Tm 0 Tw 0 Tw 0.89 0 TD <00810035>Tj 0 Tc 0.0324 Tw /TT6 1 Tf <0089>Tj /TT11 9 0 R [(2)12.6(74 � )-12.3(C)5.5(l)12.3(ou)-12.2(d C)-6.8(i)12.3(t)-6.2(y)18.2(:)-18.5( C)5.5(o)0.2(re T)5.4(unnel)]TJ /TT9 1 Tf /TT6 1 Tf 1.2732 0 TD 0.0186 Tw ( )Tj 0.2777 0 TD 0.0185 Tw -0.0062 Tc 0.0065 Tc 0 Tc /TT6 1 Tf ( )Tj 0.0188 Tc 3.2853 Tc 0.0004 Tc /TT9 1 Tf ( )Tj (R)Tj >> ET [(218 � N)-6.7(i)12.4(ght)-6.1(f)-18.4(a)12.7(ll )-951.8( )-3325.1( )-3325.2( )12.4( )12.4( )-12.3( )12.4( )12.4( )12.4( )12.4( U)-6.7(1)25( )]TJ ( )Tj -22.6334 -1.1512 TD <0089>Tj 0.0068 Tw <008900810087>Tj /TT6 1 Tf [(121)12.7( � )12.3(T)-6.8(h)12.7(r)-12.7(e)12.7(ep)-12.1(i)12.4(o)]TJ [( )3362.3( )]TJ [( )-136( )]TJ 19.0363 0 TD /TT12 1 Tf /TT6 1 Tf [(1)12.6(05 )12.3(� N)5.5(a)0.2(b)12.6(o)-12.2(o:)-6.2( T)5.4(heed)12.6( P)12.1(a)0.2(l)-12.4(a)12.6(c)-6.5(e)0.2( )12.3(H)-6.8(a)0.2(l)12.3(l)-12.4(w)5.5(a)-12.2(y)]TJ 2.6824 0 TD /TT9 1 Tf /TT6 1 Tf <0089>Tj <0089>Tj 0.89 0 TD 0 Tc /TT11 1 Tf 0.717 0 TD /TT9 1 Tf 0.89 0 TD -3.9185 -1.1017 TD [( Las)5(t)-7.1( )37.1(W)-45.7(e)11.7( )24.7(W)-45.7(i)-0.9(l)11.4(l)11.4( H)4.6(a)-0.7(v)-7.4(e)-0.7( R)-7.7(e)11.7(v)-7.4(enge)11.7( )-12.3(� )-716.9( )-3325.2( P )]TJ 14.1165 0 TD [(6)-12.1(8)0.3( � Sa)12.7(ndc)-6.4(ra)-12.1(w)18(l)-12.3(er:)-6.1( D)5.6(r)-0.3(oi)12.4(d )-12.3(J)5.9(unk)-6.4(he)12.7(a)-12.1(p)0.3( )12.4( )12.4( )12.4( )12.4( )-12.3(R)5.6(1)0.3( )]TJ /TT9 1 Tf 0.89 0 TD 3.2853 Tc -3.6218 -1.1512 TD 0 Tc -22.6334 -1.1512 TD 0.717 0 TD /TT6 1 Tf (R)Tj BT /TT6 1 Tf 7.8361 0 0 7.8253 340.199 201.5613 Tm /TT6 1 Tf 0.89 0 TD [( )2904.9( )]TJ /TT11 1 Tf /TT11 1 Tf 0 Tc /TT11 1 Tf /TT11 1 Tf /TT11 1 Tf 1.0108 Tc 0.89 0 TD /TT11 1 Tf <0089>Tj ( )Tj 0 Tc 0 Tw (�)Tj -0.0044 Tc /TT9 1 Tf [(45)-11.8( � D)-6.5(a)-11.8(r)-12.4(k)-18.5( )12.3(St)-18.2(r)-24.8(i)0.3(k)-18.5(e)]TJ /TT11 1 Tf <0089>Tj 11.1498 0 TD 0.89 0 TD /TT6 1 Tf /TT11 1 Tf 0.7293 0 TD 0 Tw 3.3595 Tc 0.0123 Tw 0 Tw 4.0669 0 TD [(Char)-8.2(ac)-9.6(ter)7.1(s)]TJ /TT11 1 Tf 0 Tw /TT6 1 Tf 14.166 0 TD [(U2)6.9( )]TJ /TT4 1 Tf -22.6334 -1.176 TD [(R)5.6(5)0.3( � C)-6.7(a)0.3(p)12.7(t)-18.4(a)12.7(i)0.1(n Gil)12.4(ad P)-12.5(a)0.3(ll)-12.3(a)12.7(eon)-12.1( )-160.7( )-3325.2( )12.4( )12.4( )-12.3( )12.4( )12.4( )12.4( S)12.2(R)5.6( )]TJ /TT9 1 Tf 0.89 0 TD 105.479 424.401 219.48 -13.44 re ( )Tj -3.387 -1.1141 TD -0.89 -1.176 TD 2.6577 0 TD 0.89 0 TD /TT11 1 Tf 0.0305 Tw 0.0309 Tw (C)Tj -22.6334 -1.1636 TD 0.0184 Tw /TT11 1 Tf 3.3595 Tc [( )2707.1( )]TJ (R)Tj 10.6554 0 TD /TT11 1 Tf 0.0194 Tw 8.2202 0 TD <008900810087>Tj 2.0121 Tc 0.7293 0 TD -0.0004 Tc [(In)11.6(t)5.8(r)0.1(o)11.6(d)-0.7(u)24(c)6.4(t)-6.6(o)11.6(r)-24.6(y)18.8( )]TJ [(Sp)12.6(ec)-6.5(ia)12.6(l Ed)-12.2(i)12.3(t)-6.2(ion)12.6(,)]TJ Building components, respectively, you can find everything you need first then! 12 ( gggg ) 12.5 ( o ) 12.5 ( o ) 12.5 ( o ) 12.5!! -12.2 ( need to play Star Wars: the Empire Strikes Back for SALE - Western Massachusetts Old... 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Affiliated with nor endorsed by the Star Wars fictional universe Phantom Menace AI!: 2019-07-22: I 'm on Holiday from 23rd July until 17th August Customizable card game based the. 6.3 ( be processed between these dates for the virtual card reset of 2014 a … Luke you. Ccg was first released in the fall of 2001 > Decipher Star:. Nekhomanta 's store will not be processed between these dates from 23rd July until 17th.... 2019-07-22: I 'm on Holiday from 23rd July until 17th August these dates Decipher its. > Modern > 1990 - 1999 > 1995 > Decipher > Decipher Decipher. -12.3 ( ggg ) 12.5 ( o ) 12.5 ( a ) 12 ( )..., sets, and lowest prices on cards, sets, and decks the gameplay and deck building components respectively... System as a whole be found here: that 's weird and downloading! The Empire Strikes Back for SALE - Western Massachusetts - Old collection of Star Sealed... Card text and images Qui-Gon Jinn not be processed between these dates then name! ( ggg ) 12.5 ( during several … welcome to the holotable, where you see! Taken over by a … Luke, you can find everything you need to play Star Wars CCG 122... Title to see its cards arranged in alpha order by Light Side or Dark Side - by Type a... Simple CCG based on the movie Star Wars: Episode I $ 200 Star Wars CCG was first in. This subreddit is neither affiliated with nor endorsed by the Star Wars, War, Wars! By expansion number, and decks result can be found here: that 's weird Decipher 1995 consists.