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Happy Year of the Rabbit and 2022 Recap

Posted on Jan 18, 2023 in MB News

The team at MB Projects wishes you a very happy Chinese New Year and hopes that 2023 will bring everyone serenity, energy, and growth opportunities. The recent reopening of China is bringing new perspectives for international cultural exchanges and we are looking forward to working on more cross-border projects, where artists and audiences will be able to resume travel and meet again!



Despite the circumstances, 2022 was a busy year for MB Projects, where we:

    • Continued managing the Chinese social networks of the Centre Pompidou, Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain and Paris Musées, and helped them maintain their engagement with the Chinese public. We also were very happy to start serving two new clients: architecture firm Arte Charpentier (read more) and the Palace of Versailles (read more), for which we redesigned their Chinese social networks strategy and took over the management of all their accounts.
    • Continued working alongside Kering in the development and implementation of the Women In Motion project in China, which recently launched a new initiative: the Women In Motion Mentorship Program, during which a group of young talented emerging creators, gathered with three established artists for an afternoon of discussions around professional and creative practice topics (read more).
    • Were happy to fulfill strategic missions for French pioneer VR experience producer Emissive, as well as for the Musée d’Orsay/Musée de l’Orangerie.
    • Carried on the development of the France China Foundation’s activities, through Young Leader gatherings, and both online and off-line seminars and discussions (read more)

We thank all our clients for their continued trust and support,
and we are excited to continue working with you in 2023!
In the meantime,
all the MB Projects team wishes you
a happy and prosperous Year of the Rabbit!



MB Projects is a leading agency in cultural strategy and management in China. It was founded by Marion Bertagna, a trilingual China specialist, with 20 years of experience in China and in the culture field. MB Projects assists international and Chinese cultural institutions, creative industry companies, and brands wishing to explore opportunities, develop activities, implement cultural projects, build partnerships, or extend their visibility in China.